8-336: Shipwreck Hull
Karmen responds to Lia’s comment with a, “For sure.”
She turns and steps onto one of the jagged teeth, apparently to get a better look at the Spar section, and her Gecko boot seems to slip off the hull. She quickly catches herself and steps back, planting her foot firmly back on the undamaged hull section.
“Gosh, that’s slippery!”
Prrri experimentally pokes with a glove at the surface of one of the teeth, it’s obvious he’s turning the Gecko stick on and off and it’s not having much effect.
He makes a short burring sound over comms and follows up with, “Sstrrranche…”
Then he pulls an oddly-shaped hammer from his toolkit, wraps his tail around and through the unusual handle, rests his helmet against the hull, and begins belting the undamaged hull and the tooth, apparently while listening.
Meanwhile, Kort eyes the jagged – and apparently slippery – metal teeth jutting out over the access to the Spar, “this is going to be awkward.”
Lia is of the opinion that this is turning into a very bad idea…