8-234: Hopper – Open Space outside Spanial
Prrri starts pressing controls on the console, bringing up a different part of the manual.
He points to an entry that seems to say that yes, before dismantling the thrust chamber, the mechanic should vent the lines. An attached note says to ensure the fuel tank shut-off over-ride is engaged otherwise all fuel will be dumped into the chamber as happens in the emergency thrust procedure.
Then he tilts his head to the side, “Xlia, thee entry affterr that talks about ensuring the pre-start chamberr heaters arre activated. That makess no sense in a serrvicing prrocedurre. In fact…”
He scrolls up the document, “sixx sstepss beforre they have been rremoved frrom thee vehicle!”
Her frown deepens.
She exits the service check and pulls up the basic version to compare the two.