8-229: Hopper – Open Space outside Spanial
Prrri unclips his tether.
“If xyou dock itt inn thee Xangarr, now therre iss rroom, itt will bee easierr to use inn futurre.”
The Hopper is currently on standby power, ready to be activated.
So, the Hopper has a pre-flight checklist that has been loaded into its computer like a help file. She can work through that. Or, if she bought the big manual with her, she can use that (I don’t think she did), or she can run through the checklist from memory. She can get Prrri to help, or run through it herself.
There are several versions of the checklist, basically service check (the most thorough), standard and emergency.
What would she like to do, any questions or instructions.
She will unclip her tether and run through the service check using the help file. She will try doing most of it herself, unless she can’t find things or figure out what they are.