8-209: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Cargo Hold
So is it the character or the player who has the disadvantage?
Cargo Hold
“Xlia, xit xis not allways eassy forr my people too bee wellcomed by yourrs. Karrmen hass beenn good too mee, annd Xi doo nott wannt to dissapoinnt herr. But you,” he bats her with his tail, “arre my … frriendd … annd iff you wissh thiss I xwill hellp.”
He pauses, his eyes very bright yet slightly closed, as he watches the container intently for several seconds.
“Besidess, it might bee saferr to underrstannd ourr dangerr betterr.”
If Lia approves, he will continue, if not, he won’t.
Let’s go with both 😋
Lia is now torn between two Disadvantages and Prrri has just said she’s his friend. This one is hard.
She registers his words and depending on how well he reads human expressions/body language, Prrri may notice that he has affected her quite deeply.
She will stare at him for a moment that drags on for far longer than it should.
Her voice is soft at first.
“I wouldn’t…”
It’s unusual for Lia to be at a loss for words.
She shakes her head.
“It’s not worth it. My curiosity and… lack of trust are not worth risking your position here. I wouldn’t do that to…a friend.”
She gives him a slightly watery smile.