8-163: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Common Room

I took the liberty of rolling for Lia, and she scored 5.  The appropriate skill is really Psychology, but I’m giving her a roll at Body Language -2 (after some pluses for having spent time with these people.) + bonuses for Empathy.

  • Karmen doesn’t seem to be saying much, but she will respond (with at least the appearance of honesty and depth) if asked a direct question
  • Jennie doesn’t say much, she talks a bit of shop with Karmen and Gregar, but seems generally willing to not do that during rec time.  
    • She listens attentively to conversations
    • puts in the occasional comment, which is usually quite certain and definite, where the conversation intersects with her interests or belief system.
  • Gregar always speaks quietly, but seems relaxed and comfortable enough in this company to be slightly less stiff than the creases on his shirt.  
    • When he contributes, his comments are well thought out, but it usually takes some conversing to make him say something.  
    • At one point, he talks about needing to get up and check on something in engineering, and Prrri actually throws a rolled up napkin at his head, asks him a series of technical questions that boil down to “will your intervention actually change anything?”  To which Gregar admits it won’t, and stays put.
  • Kwint is quite a conversation driver, his banter is often apparently superficial, yet he seems capable of the occasional insight that he shares occasionally and provokes some interesting discourse.
  • Prrri says little, when he does speak, the rest of the crew all seem to stop and listen to his slightly tortured sentences.  
    • Kort interrupts him once, and Karmen holds up a hand, “Prrri, had you finished speaking?”
  • Despite his faux pas (for which he pauses and swiftly apologises), Kort seems drawn into the group.  Lia can see he’s still reserved, but he seems to be enjoying himself, almost despite himself. 
Given that, does Lia wish to drive the convo anywhere in particular?

If not, Karmen will take over the table briefly before leaving to relieve Ipan.

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    The only other thing Lia does is produce the photos that were taken in front of the spectacular view, simply for amusement’s sake. She is particularly pleased with the silly one where she is posed like a presenter.

    Otherwise, she’s happy to let things simply flow until Ipan arrives.

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