8-160: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Common Room

He will enjoy, and appreciate, the scratch, it seems.

He tilts his head to one side at her comment, “Nno. Xi was worrried that <sound of a Nazi guard coughing while attempting to yell an alarm>  would be <sound of someone trying not to sneeze and only partly succeeding>, but alcohol can xhelp make that better.”

[No…I guess that’s why they’re disadvantages…]

Prrri seats himself to one side of Lia when they sit at the table.  Kort sits on the other.

Is there anything she’d like to do over dinner?

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Where does everyone else sit?

    Lia will attempt to keep the conversation light and the banter going. She knows they are about to be stuck together for a long time, missing a crew member and this is exactly the sort of occasion that can keep you sane.

    She will also attempt to draw Kort into the table conversation.

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