8-091: Zarg’s Moon Highport – Shuttle Dock Tavern
Give me a social roll for Kwint; choose Fast talk, Acting or Diplomacy.
Kwint says, “Well, the manual is at a place called ‘Parda’s Second Hand Books, Videos and Bric-a-Brac‘ in a local settlement called Gravport. We need to catch a shuttle from here to the Downport, then find transport from there to Gravport, buy the manual and come back.”
Is that what you meant re details?
11 vs 13 Diplomacy. Kwint may get the feeling Lia is hiding something but not that she’s being underhanded or dodgy.
Sure. Mostly she was trying to shift focus and change the subject. 😉
Before they leave, Lia will head to the bathroom and separate her stash into several different pockets and hidey holes on her person/outfit. She will also tuck her cash somewhere inconspicuous. I assume she would have one of those money belt doohickeys that you can hide under clothing. Something that wouldn’t interrupt her figure too much. 😉