7-266: MaPaCoA, Vizier Kahn-Serf’s Office

When he was with his ‘group’ they never referred to themselves by any name, it was usually just ‘we’.

Have a Star for taking the character-driven option 🙂 The Legionnaire says, “Householder Estrada, may I remind you that there is no such thing as The Insurgence.” Formally the Householder responds, “Of course, Over Commander, I was using a verbal shorthand to describe any group of seditious individuals that might have aims similar to those ascribed to that fictitious group that only exists in the minds of the deranged and not implying the existence of such a group.” There’s a brief silence, and the Householder says, “If I may rephrase, you’re thinking terrorists, or perhaps some other form of miscreants, yes?” 




2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver raises an eyebrow at the exchange.
    “Yes something like that. Or perhaps a friend on the inside?”

  2. Overlord Frank says:

    Realised I have been inconsistent and have fixed that.

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