7-237: Travelling to MaPaCoA – Travel Pod

Fromm and Chris don’t seem at all happy, but accept Oliver’s instructions and follow him to the Travel Pod station.

The internal design of the travel pods is similar to what was at GRRAS –  capsule-shaped, with doors at either end on both sides.  Inside are two rows of ten seats along the sides of the interior with luggage bins in the middle and a control pillar by each door to set destination.  The main differences seem to be that this pod runs on a single monorail, and the windows can open, though Chris refrains from doing so this time.

Available destinations for this Travel Pod network are:

  • Transit Hub (current location)
  • City Centre Enclave Commercial Entrance
  • City Centre Administration Annex
  • Residential Enclave
  • MaPaCoA Main Entrance
  • Dataton Legion Cast
  • <Restricted>

I’m assuming he hits the control for MaPaCoA…

The Travel Pod moves off and exits through one of the large openings in the Transit Hub’s dome.  It crosses slowly through a maze of monorail tracks, threading its way between several other moving pods, before selecting a track and picking up speed.  Initially the track runs along a fenced-channel between the backs of buildings before rising on a series of elevated pylons as the decidedly industrial flavour of the buildings gives way to a regular grid of what looks to be detached residential houses, all identical in design.  After some repetitions of that, the grid of streets ends suddenly to be replaced by an expanse of flat grassland that appears to be neatly maintained; at one point the Travel Pod passes a trio of grass mowing machines working their way across the empty green landscape.  Eventually the vast expanse of lawn gives way to uncontrolled nature, and the travel pod passes through low scrubby trees and uncontrolled undergrowth.  The pod appears to be heading into hilly terrain and at several points the track passes through hill cuttings and a couple of tunnels.  

Five Tasks go by before the Travel Pod comes to a stop at a large station set in an expanse of concrete and surrounded by steep hills.  As they alight with their luggage they can see that the place is lightly trafficked, groups and individuals are boarding pods.  A few moments later another pod comes in behind them.  There is a lightweight roof over the platform, but they are essentially outside.  Currently, the planet is in its daylight cycle and the weather is overcast with a light wind gusting. At the exit to the Travel Pod Station is a Legion security checkpoint.   

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    As he hops out of the pod he turns to the two: “We’ll make the cafeteria our first stop, okay?”
    Oliver readies his ID Tag and approaches the Legion Checkpoint.
    “Contractors Starr, Fromm and Uddin, on behalf of Minor Vizier Dicard.”

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