7-233: Snow Lake MagLev Train Station

They travel from the bus interchange to the train station.

However, when everyone goes to pay separately, there’s an issue, and the ticket seller won’t issue gold-class tickets to ‘silver-class’ travellers.

How would Oliver like to deal with that?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oh right the classism.
    Well, I guess he’ll offer to put all the tickets in his name.
    If that succeeds, he’ll ask one of the other two to trade the Viz Money cards with him as his doesn’t have enough on it.
    If that fails, he’ll roll a 6 on his miserly check and pay for it out of pocket.
    If that fails he’ll try and persuade them that they’re on Vizierate business and need the sleeper cars so they can work efficiently once they hit their destination. Rolling a 12 (which is a weak success at best) on a possibly required social roll.
    else 2
    request to speak to a supervisor so he can try and pull the Vizierate card on him instead.

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