7-186: Snow Lake


I updated some missing info in Starr’s Spreadsheet of Spending.

Question:  Where is that big swag of cash?  In a bank account?  Several money cards?  One Money Card?  When Melody paid him on GRRAS, we played it like a big injection into a single money card, but we can retcon that if you like.  Working for the Vizierate, he can have a Money card with a limit that high, but that’s very unusual, and potentially risky if he loses it.

The Equatorial Train

He can study during the trip.  Chris drinks and chats occasionally, eventually spending most of his time watching vids.  Fromm seems to be studying too, something medical.

Snow Lake

The train is shorter now than it was when it left Purpleton, no-one is getting off cars one or two, but several people are getting on and off the cars behind.  The platform at Snow Lake is open to the sky, and Oliver’s breath is forming ice-crystals in the cold air.  Overhead, the stars are visible through a clear black sky.

People seem to be moving toward an exit that is part of a simple building in the centre of the platform.

Chris slurs, “fuck, I gotta piss.”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Can I say he has one card with 25666 on it, one with 25k and another with 27,569‬ on it? preferably he’d have transferred that 666 to his third card and have two 25k ones and a 28235 one which he uses as his primary spending card.
    Otherwise, how much would one usually keep maximum on a single card?

    The Equatorial Train:
    Sounds good.

    Snow Lake
    “Go relieve yourself and meet us at the transit rank then. Leave your bags with us.”
    Oliver will take one and look to Fromm, if he seems reluctant he’ll take both.

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