7-170: Gibbs Block Conference Facilities


The bottom of his pants are wet after even that short walk – it’s really belting down out there!


Dicard says, “MaPaCoA isn’t an issue as it’s Vizierate-run, the Planning Bureau will probably just want you to make an appointment once we hear back.  I concur, get to Bronze-Stepping as quickly as you can.”


Dicard says, “If you need to spend your personal funds you can be reimbursed, just don’t go crazy.”


Warden Kellog-Rixx-Frost-Chamkhanni turns out to be a stocky, muscular woman in amethyst-coloured combat gear leading a contractor in tan fatigues hauling a large metal case on a trolley.

She says, “Vizier,” and holds out a PDA for Dicard to authorise himself against.

When he has done so she has the contractor open the case; it is full of weaponry.

Chris’ eyes light up.

She holds out a PDA for each of Chris, Fromm and Oliver in turn.

In a gravelly voice she says, “You are each being authorised as concealed- and open-carry armed officers of the Vizierate.  You are authorised to carry concealed firearms in any area categorised below security category 4.  You may open-carry firearms, provided you wear appropriate identifying clothing and/or gear.”

She indicates a number of vests stored inside the case, they are tan-coloured with reflective purple trim and “AUTHORISED VIZIERATE CONTRACTOR” written on the back in reflective letters – not unlike the vest the contractor pushing the trolley is wearing.

“A full copy of Vizierate policy and procedures regarding concealed and open carry protocols will be forwarded to you.”

She turns back to Dicard.

“Vizier, you understand that you have responsibility to ensure that your team are qualified in the tools you assign them?  The Wardenate is here to assist if needed.”

Dicard responds, “I do, Warden.”

She says, tapping at her PDA, “I have logged your acceptance of responsibility.”

Back to the contractors, “Any questions?”

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver nods to the personal funds comment. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”

    As the Warden does her business he lets an “Ah.” Escape his lips.
    At some point he may mumble “I don’t know if this is comforting or unsettling… better to be armed and not need it I suppose.”

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