7-144: Illuminator – Briefing Room 1201


Noted.  Lunch is otherwise pleasant.  Is there anything he wants to discuss with Erin?


To be clear, Nanny was not telling Dicard and/or Oliver off for lazing about in the Luxury cabin, there was more a sense that she was inferring that’s what Mallory has been doing.  (You’re free to have Oliver go with the misunderstanding if you like though!)


There’s a rapid exchange of glances and facial expressions between Dicard and Nanny, apparently ending in some sort of agreement.

Nanny says, “The Vizierate’s records are not clear on that point, dear.  There is some evidence that Argyle was seconded to a Vizierate project from the Planning Bureau, but there should be more evidence that that happened and there is not.  The Planning Bureau’s records do not have anyone being seconded to the Vizierate in the time frame.  However, Oliver, your research does seem to somewhat corroborate the little evidence that we do have.”

Chris frowns more, like he’s constipated by a thought that won’t quite come.

Does Oliver want to say anything?

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    No, he’ll just do the idle chatter thing. He wants her on his side if possible so he’s trying to be nice.

    Oh. He might understand that better than I did. However he still makes no comment and I personally doubt he would react much.

    “Well he was smart enough to see security issues with a place so important then it’s quite possible he could have taken himself out of the system.”

    Then a pause.

    “Unless someone else didn’t want the Vizierate to know he was there.”

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