K-043: Independent Transporter Welcome Wagon, Oliver’s Cabin (Hyperspace)

Sleep Routine

Noted, we’ll come back to this.


Oliver’s Cabin

He clears his screen.

At the door is Moloney, she’s changed into something that is probably less comfortable, but more revealing.  She has done her hair and applied some make-up.

“Oliver, I hope you’re not in bed yet?  I just wanted to see if there was anything you needed before you bedded down?  Anything I can do for you?” 

Note:  I’m assuming that Moloney has become aware Oliver planned to go to sleep through their earlier chat, if he wanted to conceal that for any reason the above might play out a bit differently.


1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    He didn’t plan to conceal it. No.

    He’s obviously surprised to see her here. “No, I was just getting settled before I lay down.” He takes a moment. “Is there some event I’m missing?”

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