

Kamphet is a fence and fixer who operates out of Thikth Bar on at Christos’ Scarf. 

Among other items he deals in the sale of unauthorised high-value gemstones.  Lia assisted in recruiting him to Raina’s organisation.


“That’s Kamphet, he’s a regular.  Pays the bouncers to keep an eye out for his safety, reserve his table.  Usually Jo looks after him, but I’ve taken care of him a couple of times when Jo’s not around.  Tips extra on his last drink.  Always got people coming and going.  Things change hands.”

 – Drink Runner Tracy


Kamphet himself is tall and skinny, dark skinned, a mop of dark curly hair, pale brown eyes, crooked nose, aged about 13.  He’s wearing dark pants and shirt underneath the Red Jacket, which has a bulky cut, epaulets, gold trim and braid.

Kamphet’s voice is unexpectedly deep  – and melodious – for a man with such a lean frame.

He usually speaks about himself in the third person – “Please sit; what can Kamphet do for you Mer?”

He is a smoker.


Ref:  H-030