6-323: Administration Bureau Private Suite #3
Martin says, “are you sure she’s not a Bureaucrat, Aston? She’s as slippery as these buggers.”
He indicates Sylvia and Namaisia.
Aston laughs, “perhaps that’s why we get on?”
Naimaisia says quietly, but with good humour, “Unkind, Martin.”
Martin responds, “but not unfair.”
He turns back to Winta, rubbing his hands as if warming up for a serious game, “Well, let me put it this way, what should I be asking you about to narrow the scope of inquiry?”
She gazes at Martin for a moment before looking up and to the left, pondering.
“Hmmm… perhaps observations regarding the Legion…or the Vizieriate…”
Her eyes are beginning to sparkle a little.