6-291: Administration Bureau Executive Conference Facility
It does sound suspiciously like someone undertaking research activities outside the Agriculture portfolio without involving the Resources Bureau or the Vizierate, something which both Zayaire and Aston seem to be deliberately ignoring, although that may have been the reason for Aston’s comment about being discreet.
It is quite a coincidence about the freighter, isn’t it?
Lia can’t tell whether Zayaire is lying or not; he certainly makes the request sound plausible and reasonable.
Aston says, “Send a memo across with the details, I’ll look it over and push it through as a priority.”
Zayaire nods and smiles, “You’ll have it by endGreen nextCycle.”
Aston says, “and your information?”
Any action/questions from Winta?
Not strictly, she doesn’t want to reveal her hand in front of Zayaire. She would prefer he dismiss her as decorative in this particular scenario.
As they’re speaking, she will continue to stroke Aston’s arm, splitting her eye contact between the two men. The action of her arm will cause her wrap; which she has kept over her shoulders all evening, to slip down her arm, revealing her bare shoulder.
Does Zayaire spend this whole conversation with his attention on Aston? Or does Lia notice his gaze sliding her way?