6-287: Administration Bureau Executive Conference Facility
Aston says in a relaxed voice, “Zayaire, bluevening.”
Zayaire is alone. He approaches Aston with a air of camaraderie, briefly places a hand on Aston’s shoulder, “I see you got trapped by old purple beak.”
He nods in the direction of the food tables where Winta and Aston had the discussion with Vizier Farbello.
Before Aston can respond, he turns to Winta with a charming smile, “I am Zayaire.”
If Winta doesn’t respond, Aston will introduce her.
She will look him up and down, taking in the suit, the charming manner, the package 😋
She will present her hand, fingers dangling low, in the expectation of his taking it. Her body posture has melted into highly controlled allure. Her gaze is aloof, challenging.
The voice is smoke.