6-237: Administration Bureau Executive Conference Facility

Genetic Defects

Lia knows that the prevalence of genetic defects can be higher among the poor on the larger population worlds.  F-classes have their fair share too, but these are often treated by the public healthcare system.

She has heard rumours of thriving black market in heathcare, a lot of which uses geneering and genetic surgery techniques and treats genetic disorders; some disorders are obvious, others not so.  The Dominion doesn’t really publish statistics on such things, but Lia has heard that a H-class with a lot of G-class in their family tree (which is what most people are in the Dominion) can expect to live to some time in their twenties, but an F-Class or a H-Class with some F-Heredity can expect to live to their thirties. 

The Party

Adler says nothing, but the look on her face is a combination of skepticism, intoxication and hope.

Am I right in assuming that’s Winta’s parting line? 

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    I would like it to be but just have to check something first. If Lia knows Adler’s name, title and Bureau, she would know if it was possible for her to get in contact with her if needed. Does she believe that’s all she needs or does she need more?

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