6-094: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Common Room
Edited summary of text conversation between Lia and Jennie in the Spanial’s Common Room.
“Any word on how long they might be?”
Jennie says, “two or three Cycles, maybe. Karmen didn’t sound certain.”
Lia replies. “Ok. You’re welcome to use my room during Green. It has a full bath and a bed larger than a tiny bunk. I need to be back in the room by BR01 cos I have an engagement tomorrow night.”
She gives Jennie a smile.
“Did you want company tonight? Or is there something you need?”
She smiles in response.
“I need sleep. I don’t usually have trouble sleeping, but this Shift…” she trails off.
“Thanks for the room offer, I’ll take you up on that.
“Sorry, I’m probably not very good company just now.”
Lia can make a body Language roll, or something similar.
Made it by 5.
Jennie is worried about something.
Lia will give her an assessing look.
“Everything ok? Did Karmen say anything else? Something going pear shaped with her deal?”
Jennie frowns, Lia can see her coming awake, returning Lia’s assessing glance with one of her own.
Apparently, she makes a decision to bring Lia into her confidence, “Karmen, wouldn’t tell me what this deal is about, which is unusual. We’ve worked together for a long time, and we trust each other.”
Jennie’s voice drops in volume, “But, whatever she is doing down there, I think it’s dangerous.”
Lia looks concerned.
She pauses for a moment.
“Do you think they need help?”
“That’s just it. I think she was trying to warn me not to help her if things went wrong. It’s just… when she called earlier she reminded me that my duty was with the ship. She made me promise to remember that.”
“And that’s not sitting well with you… Has she ever said that before?”
“Not since the day she first hired me.”
Jennie bites her lip, it’s not something Lia has seen her do before.
She frowns.
“What’s your gut telling you?”
“That she cares more about this ship than anything else and if she’s putting things at risk she wants to know it’s safe above all.”
Lia sighs.
“Then you have to stay with the ship.”
Her frown deepens
“Do you know where they are, Jennie?”
“No. Somewhere down on the planet.”
“Do you know anything about the deal? Maybe someone who might know something – a contact?”
“She said she was meeting – trying to meet – someone called ‘Zayaire’, and the contact was down on surface. I had a sense that those are two different people. That’s about all I know. Other than if this works out it’s worth a lot of Monies.”
“Do Gregar or Prrri know anything that could be helpful? If so where can I find them? What kind of cargo was Karmen making a deal to ship?”
Jennie frowns, “I wouldn’t think so, but you can always ask. Gregar is on the station and Prrri is in his sleep cycle in his cabin.
I have no idea what the cargo is.”
Lia nods. “Ok. I’ll see if I can find Gregar and ask for his help if he’s willing. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
Lia is silent for a while. Then she stands.
“I’ll see what I can do. I know some people. If I find out anything I’ll let you know.”
At that point, Jennie thanks her and says she is heading to bed.
If Jennie says nothing more, Lia will grab the bag she prepared and head back to the station.
Give me a roll. IQ perhaps?
Made IQ by 2.
Ok. Before she leaves the ship it occurs to Lia that she has heard crew in the past refer to a method of contacting the crew at other ports. She can ask Jennie before she goes if you wish.
Yes please!
Jennie says, “sorry, tired-stupid. Karmen has crew pager accounts set up for us, it’s a lot cheaper than a mobile comms account. Trigger the pager and the crew member is supposed to call the ship as soon as they can get to a comm terminal. You can call from Control.”
She explains how to use the pager functions, smiles and goes to her cabin.
In which case Lia will head to control and contact Gregar.
Lia is able to transmit a page to Gregar. How long will she wait for him to respond? What will she do in the meantime?
She’ll wait for a while but since it’s already evening, she wants to get back down to the station to see what she can do. If it takes more than a couple of hours she’ll have to wake Jennie to set up a pager for her so she can be informed if Gregar gets back to her.
In the meantime she will keep reading the manual for the Spanial.