6-070: Merchant Freighter Spanial

Social Stigma

That’s true, and thank you for the reminder.

As much as anything else the Junior Officer was commenting that of the four crew members checked, each had a different colour ID tag:  Silver, Copper, Orange and White.  (The latter two much rarer than the former!)

Cargo Inspection

Lia leads the officer to the cargo bay.  She will need to suit up to accompany him as the bay is not pressurised.

Give me a social roll on a suitable skill to see how the interaction goes.  

1 Response

  1. Lia Silver-Rose says:

    Remind me what the colours represent? And who is wearing them… I know they represent class, just can’t remember which class is which colour.

    Rolled a 10 on Diplomacy, made it by 3 on skill points. There may be additional reaction bonuses… 😉

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