6-057: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Control Room
Just so we’re clear, Lia executed the roll without a problem, but had an issue putting the ship back into stand-by mode.
Karmen patiently explains how to put the ship into, and out of, stand-by mode and waits for Lia to do it (you don’t have to roll (again, unless you really want to…but it will only have an effect on a critical failure or critical success so it’s effectively random)).
While that’s happening, give me a social roll of some type for Lia to see how her explanation goes with Karmen.
Rolled a 14 for the final Piloting adjustment. Not a Crit fail!
10 for either Diplomacy (13) or Fast-Talk (15). Feels like more of a Fast-Talk; trying to cover her awkwardness but in a Diplomatic ‘I’m not trying to lie to you cos this really isn’t my best skill’ sorta way.
I’ll let you make that call!
Holding strong with the awesome rolls for social/reaction rolls whilst sucking at actual skills… 😋