6-021: Merchant Freighter Spanial – Common Room
Jennie makes her amused sound again and smiles, responds drily, “No more so than usual.”
Jennie is reaching the peak part of her workout and will be using her breath for other things for a little while. We can continue to detail Lia’s chat with her after that, or jyst assume they talk about stuff if you wish or move on to other things.
Can you confirm for me that Lia’s Charisma, Appearance, Fashion Sense (and any other) bonuses, aren’t already factored into her skill levels on her character sheet? It doesn’t look like they are. I think she just rolled 9 vs 19.
Charisma, Voice, Appearance add to general reaction bonuses. Charisma also adds if she’s trying to influence someone directly. Fashion Sense adds if she can plan her appearance in advance. Social Chameleon also means she basically ignores any negatives implied by Status.
Pretty sure none of these are taken into account in any of her skill stats, which is why I made the permanent additional to her Sex Appeal. I’d need to investigate by removing and re-adding them to her character sheet in order to confirm properly.
She gets gigantic reaction bonuses, so it’s rather difficult to make a bad first impression unless someone is threatened by those things.
I’m happy to assume they talk about stuff. She will head into a more intensive level of workout herself, really pushing her muscles.