5-097: Legion Cast – Statue Boss Warehouse
He flicks the switch, perhaps noting in passing that it’s above the beam height, and the lights come on in the warehouse. He can turn his torch off.
Every lid on every box he tries is locked.
Is he just testing to see if lids open or performing other checks?
[BTW, from our earlier conversation, I like the distinction you made between ‘Important’ and ‘Dire’, what Oliver is doing now is not dire. Unless Oliver is particularly stupid he is unlikely to be at immediate physical risk, the Dominion will (probably) not rise or fall based on what happens in this room. However, it is important – Oliver’s actions in this ‘silly’ set of tests potentially affect the entire future direction of the campaign… so, have a star ۞ because I like your articulation of that distinction.]
He will turn his torch off.
Just testing to see if lids open for now.
Were any of the boxes heavier than the others? Do they all seem to be full of something? Would it be hard to determine if they are full of something without opening them?
If not, he might just go through the neat boxes one by one and see how he goes about getting them open. Are they labelled at all?
Star is appreciated.