5-088: Legion Cast – Statue Boss Side Office
The torch is in his pack, and he can use it to examine the room.
The desk and area near the terminal is bare, and the terminal is the main point of interest. The chair is a comfortable ergonomic design.
The conference table area is relatively barren. The chairs are simple – the same design as the simple ones in the outer room. The conference table is two smaller, simple tables pushed together. The table is bare and unadorned and there are no other items of furniture down this end of the room.
At the other end of the room on the top of the desk is some basic stationery: Markers, pencils, a blank notepad, paper clips, etc. There is also an executive toy, currently still, based around moving bits of metal with magnets.
The two drawers to the desk are locked with simple mechanical locks.
There are two cabinets behind the desk, also locked with mechanical locks. On top of one of the cabinets is a small free-standing frame containing a 2D picture of a young Overlord Zarg in his ceremonial Legion Military uniform.
Let me know if Oliver wishes to explore the room further before moving to the terminal.
Oliver magics the computer, at least part way… his first roll gets him to a point where he has access to his programming tools and he can choose to invest time and effort getting through the remaining security. Give me a roll if he wants to do that.
He will invest time.
He will also get around to attempting all of those locks.
So… five more rolls?
Terminal: 10
Desk Drawers 10 & 7
Cabinets: 12 & 9