5-075: Legion Cast – Target Range

Actually, I think that’s 13 vs 12… unless you can think of a reason why Oliver should be due a +1.

So, I think your options are:
  • Attempt to justify a +1 or better bonus
    • for example, maybe Oliver fancies Felicity so doesn’t mind her attention so much?
  • Play the disadvantage as written – he lashes out at her in a temper
  • Direct the temper toward his task and do poorly on some aspects of his evaluation
  • Suggest something else commensurate with failure of his self-control roll

2 Responses

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    You are correct, I just had 13 in my head for my DisAdv rolls for some reason.

    Though Oliver is a loner, I believe he’s smart enough to understand the side effects of his temper when used in particular ways.
    He may have the thought of “can you give me some room?” Rush through his head but knows that it’ll be met with some snarky response about not having space and freedom in live combat.
    He’ll instead focus on his task while letting the temper and anxiety of being watched diminish his performance.
    I believe this accurately reflects his personality while also reflecting some of his disadvantages, the one being mentioned here and his pacifism.
    I wouldn’t be surprised that – unless the pistol he owns is the one he was taught to use by his mother – his gun has actually never been fired.

    He will however, turn his head and perhaps unconsciously shoot her a glare before focusing on his task and doing poorly.

    If that response is all acceptable to you.

    • Oliver Starr says:

      Also, I don’t think Oliver fancying someone will make him need ‘his space’ any less than he does with anyone else.

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