5-055: Legion Cast – Interview and Evaluation Room

She leans forward a little, and tilts her head to the side, “so by inference, warm morality is measurable through the sum of emotional impact; that’s an empirically sound basis for approaching what seems initially like a ‘soft’ problem.  But how do you determine what’s best?  Your cold morality seems to me to be less well defined than your warm because it’s dependent on a fuzzy motherhood statement.  How do you determine what’s best, Oliver, so you can undertake your statistical analysis?”  

1 Response

  1. Oliver Starr says:

    Oliver will stifle a laugh at the idea of ‘fuzzy’ and ‘mother’ being put together in a sentence.
    “It’s not well defined because it’s not a well defined subject. Morality is mostly about making decisions that help you sleep at Red. It’s different for each individual. Which is why those who make decisions are sometimes surprised by the reactions of those effected by them.”
    He will take another second to consider.
    “I’m afraid I can’t give you a solid answer, because there isn’t one. Different situations call for different approaches and different methods. They take longer and shorter times to deliberate and some even give you no time. The only “wrong” answer is the lack of ability or the weakness to not make a choice when you need to.”

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