I-133-Lia: Roseman, The Bounding Bush
“Well, when you mention ‘Roseman’ most people’s response is ‘where’s that?’ But, that’s the point, Roseman is on the border of Octant 3 and Octant 7, out near the edge of the Dominion Sphere. ...
The RPG of Dominion Space…
“Well, when you mention ‘Roseman’ most people’s response is ‘where’s that?’ But, that’s the point, Roseman is on the border of Octant 3 and Octant 7, out near the edge of the Dominion Sphere. ...
“Almost a kiloCycle, I’ll have to start thinking about whether or not to put in for a change or not soon, but I’m thinking of staying for another tour. When I first got here...
She notes Cinna note that flash. She takes Lia’s hand, gives it a small squeeze. There’s a tiny softening of her reserve around her eyes.
She remains watchful, but the intensity of her gaze lessens as her thoughts, perhaps, turn self-reflective. “It’s one of the reasons I enjoy you- your services. You allow me to feel in control. As...
“I like to think so, it would have made this posting awful otherwise, but it surprised me.”
Favours Karmen closes her eyes briefly in resignation, realising she has, indeed, said too much. “People at Iceheart’s did me a favour a while back, bought a cargo I was havin’ some difficulty sellin’. ...
Cinna stares hard and unblinking at Lia for a long time, obviously internally processing; I’ll assume Lia has the sense to allow her to cogitate without interrupting. Eventually her brittle reserve softens ever so...
Ashik laughs, good-naturedly she states, “Nope, this is it. I started with the best first impression I had, mightn’t get a chance to do anything else otherwise.” She raises her Bloody Marron in toast. ...
Cinna sits perfectly still for several seconds, her face a mask, before she leans back in her chair, perhaps consciously forcing herself to relax. “Do you know what really caught my attention about you?”...
Ashik gives a self-deprecating laugh, “sure.” In response to Lia’s question she says, “nothing more than I’m a regular and I like it, I hoped you might too. I also undertook to show you...