Lia’s Cabin Karmen gives her a ‘Yes, you did…’ face and leaves. Schedules You asked “How close is Winta’s next appointment with Raina?” It’s currently 211.445. So, we’ve established in Lia’s backstory that...
Indeed, it was breakfast, and she’ll be reminded of the time after a brief break when Karmen appears at her cabin door. “For sure, I appreciate you want to study that, but I think...
It occurs to Oliver that the video is still in the entertainment system’s memory. Depending on the settings, it may even have saved it to permanent storage.
With that resolved, a silence descends on the gathering. The alien figure of the multi-tentacled-and-lightning-shrouded Yarg is still on the screen. May I please have an Electronics Operation (Surveillance) roll for Oliver – not...
Karmen nods to Oliver, makes a face that might be interpreted as ‘such is life’ and hands the original Widget to Kort, who accepts it with his own nod. “Huh, looks just like mine,”...
To Lia, Kort raises his eyebrows and tilts his head – ‘that’s how it is.’ I assume Oliver has his laptop/backpack with him as he would have needed it to play the video –...
Kort says, “well, I’m going to need a copy, for you know who. “Plus, my advice would be to not leave too many of those lying around.” Karmen frowns, then nods to Kort. To...
There was no atmosphere on the wreck, the ship had been holed and was open to the vacuum of space. The only air Lia encountered was when she and Prrri entered the cargo hold...