Monthly Archive: September 2020
E-050-Oliver: Merchant Freighter Spanial (Docked at Zarg’s World Highport), Control
We’ll I guess it’s good to have realistic expectations…It’s probably going to take some time for them to become comfortable with the undercover cop from the shadowy agency no-one trusts to feel welcome among...
E-056-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Gritzy’s
It’s difficult to have an alias in the Dominion; can lead to as many complications as it avoids.
E-055-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Gritzy’s
I’m unclear if she knew about the ‘thumbs’, but Lia receives all of her Raina comms from a woman named Mary Fraser.Refer, for example:6-0866-0878-075
E-054-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Gritzy’s
“Shouldn’t be an issue wid da man on Mundo Zargo, but da Vizierate… well, da Vizierate runs da comms network don’t dey?”He finishes a mouthfull of food.“You notice she hardly ever messages anyone direct...
E-053-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Gritzy’s
He will eat also.Is there anything else she’d like to discuss with him?
E-052-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Gritzy’s
“I coudn’t say, dat might, uh, depend on da situation.”
E-049-Oliver: Merchant Freighter Spanial (Docked at Zarg’s World Highport), Control
Ipan holds his gaze for a bit, and looks away first, “Sure… “Well, you seem to know your way around Comm and Sensor suites, so if you need anything else let me know.”He logs off, gets...
E-051-Lia: Zarg’s World Highport, Gritzy’s
The singer invites a guest artist onto the stage, introducing him as ‘Mer Waits’: Martell frowns, looks a little concerned, “I tink he’d eider assume ‘yes’ or try an’ persuade udderwise.”
E-048-Oliver: Merchant Freighter Spanial (Docked at Zarg’s World Highport), Control
“But only if we take you to Separatist space to find this guy you’re after.”