I’m sure that’s possible.Little Barny drives her back along the travelway, pulls off to a side way at one point and waits out the front of a cafe while she orders food.The locals are...
Your GM misunderstood the question, so I’ll have the NPC misunderstand instead.“What, no. Sorry. We basically only move the ore out via the ore bucket line.”
“Nothing I recall off the top of my head… let me check the logs.”He goes to a terminal on his control console and taps at it for a bit.“Well… this the sort of thing...
“Dunno how you’d fall in, there’s not many places you could reach a bucket. Maybe if you climbed up there on the ore reservoir, or up by the main entrance where the buckets go...
Little Barny says if she’d like some take away food, he knows a couple of places, and he can wait, or if she’d like to sit down and eat she can leave the case...
To be clear though Argyle’s identity change and many of the previous leads Oliver was following up took place kiloCycles ago, the most recent video of Argyle arriving at the mine gate took place...