Possibly both; she seems to be leaving that to Lia’s discretion.Is there any specific action she wants to take on any of the list items below before we move on?To Be Sold or DestroyedGuns/weapons...
The PSO locks eyes with Oliver for several long seconds before he looks away.“Wait here.”He disappears out the back away from the counter and there is the sound of one side of a muted...
OK.Karmen and Lia make their way around the ship distributing Money and watches like a couple of benevolent fairies.At the end, Karmen thanks Lia and asks her to deal with the remaining items and...
Take as much time as you like – we’ve been playing in this state for two years so it’s not urgent.It’s more that suddenly giving Lia 20 points to spend is potentially destabilising and...
I assume they continue destashing (unstashing? exstashing?), yes.Re drugs – See new page on Recreational Drugs for notes on differences.GM Makes an ErrorSo, I realised writing the above page that I actually made Zoner! a...
“I report to the Public Safety Regional Area Supervisor in the Clement Basin Cast.” He holds Oliver’s gaze for several seconds.“I’ll be sure to pass your request along.”