Monthly Archive: March 2020


A-272: Spanial

Hull FragmentEars flick, and he pulls out a PDA, taps its buttons with a claw, studies something on the small screen, taps some more.After a bit, “Sssyprrrinnidaee xwass a xlass ten shipp, Xi thinnk… maybe...

A-271: Spanial

Hull Fragment While Prrri doesn’t discount the possibility of some ranged alien weapon, he’s inclined to go along with the general idea that something grabbed onto the hull, weakened it’s underlying structure and broke...

A-270: Spanial

Also a Good Question…Crime Drama[GM bows in appreciation] Rolling ThingsI’m a bit confused; I’ve assumed that roll was for the Hull Fragment interaction, but I’m not sure that’s actually correct.Hull FragmentSo if you like I’ll...

A-269: Spanial

Also a Good Question…MusicalThat does seem a bit more Lia, doesn’t it?  (ie, more Rocky Horror/Ziggy Stardust than Hamilton…)Crime DramaThere’s apparently a whole series of Officer Agatha Conan-Larsson books. Hull FragmentPrrri tilts his furred head,...

A-268: Spanial

Also a Good Question… Musical How about Blizzard Silver and the Geneered Experiments?    Crime Drama Oops…this is what happens when you get interrupted mid post! The book is an entertaining read about a...

A-267: Spanial

Also a Good Question…There’s a copy of Hummin’ in the Deluge… or other things.The book is an entertaining read about Hull FragmentIt occurs to Lia and Prrri that properties of metals can be altered through...

A-266: Spanial

Also a Good Question…Things are similar and different to contemporary offerings.  Plenty of action adventure, crime drama, musicals, romantic drama and comedy.  A variety of serials and series (which can be interesting for a...

A-265: Spanial

OK.Some downtime will be appreciated.  Karmen is still being a little suspicious and wants people in Control at all times while Kort is aboard, but Lia can easily watch vids and read her book...

A-264: Spanial, Common Area

Body LanguageRosaline ponders that.Recounting the WreckIt’s a bit of a bonding moment.Detailing the DiversionLia can note names; we can be specific if it comes up…NextIs there anything else she’d like to do with the...