Yes, it seems quite popular with several people here.For example, one guy is straining on a treadmill, his feet coming down hard and fast on every step, another is doing slow, graceful loops on...
OK… Previously, several of these doors had keypad locks that Oliver bypassed to get in. Most of the doors are standing open, possibly as Oliver and the Team left them, though the swing...
PeopleIt’s difficult to tell, while whoever operates this facility issues green-and-white and white-and-green uniforms, people apparently exercise in their civvy gear. Lia can try and spot the security types but it’s more of a...
Most of the people here seem like regulars, although one man appears to be struggling away in a corner with his own personal hell. In one area a trainer looks to be conducting a...
Several people are using the Gym, yes.Karmen says, she’s going to check out the other nearby activities and Kwint decides to go with.She says to come find her when Lia is done and won’t...
Chris nods assent and moves left.For starters, through nearby the open door into the Store Room, Oliver can see the room is empty and the previously well-stocked shelves are bare.Does he wish to move...
Raina does have a large, isolated estate where numerous people of all sorts come and go, in addition to her ‘city offices’ but it has more of a ‘country manor’ or ‘ranch’ feeling than...