Ipan says, “hollow points usually deform after hitting something, so they’ll go through one thing and then stop, not keep going.”Is she looking for anything in particular?
Ipan says, “the capsules are hollow, and look rounded. They might not be that good at piercing armour, that usually needs a hard, pointed projectile, right m- Captain.”Karmen nods.
Reference: 8-400The damage looks like bullet holes, though they’re all in the torso, none have struck the helmet or face plate. It looks like the thread/taser bullets are the source of the damage based...
“I couldn’t say, never saw ’em fired. I heard the word when the job was being set up, ‘electrolasers for space use, called Tasers’. They looked bulky. Thing is, if you’re in vacuum, you’ve...
“Some people I worked with once were carrying something that I think might have been Tasers. Happily, I didn’t get to find out for certain.”The other three look at her, and she responds, “None...
Tasers and ElectrolasersThe effects of both weapons tend to be similar (in terms of GURPS rules, the shock part is identical), the difference is in the delivery mechanism. Electrolasers “…use a pair of low-power...
Among Felline, that seems to be a sign of trust/ affection/ approval.No, Lia’s ring is an electrolaser. If she makes a Streetwise roll with a -1 she may have heard the term.Gregar smiles and...
Prrri’s often difficult to read, but try a Body Language roll (there’s a negative because he’s an alien, but I’ll give her a bonus for Xenophilia.)It’s clear no-one at the table is familiar with...
In response to her display, Prrri slowly blinks his eyes, holding them shut for nearly a second.“Xi wasss thinnking about xow elextrrolaserrs worrk. Not much usse in vaxuum, so…,” he gestures to the capsule...