Monthly Archive: January 2020


A-150: Spanial, Common Area

Prrri says, “thee lasst one xwass…funny.”Karmen looks at him sharply, to be greeted with a tail swish and a slow blink of his eyes.“Xe was supposed to bee assleep, but xwhen I xame in...

A-145: Spanial, Common Area

Ipan blushes slightly, hurriedly he says, “No!  You’re different!  You’re an actual passenger.  Or you were.  You’re one of us now!”Karmen says, “We’ve done some work in helping people travel to places they’re not...

A-144: Spanial, Common Area

Either is good… (yay Curiosity!)Lia may remember that Octant 3 is the nearest part of the Dominion to Separatist space.Ipan says, “you’re not necessarily missing much Prrri, some of them are pretty reptilian.”