Monthly Archive: December 2019


A-004: Spanial, Karmen’s Cabin

Ipan says somewhere between gently and cautiously, “You alright?”“I got a bit of a headache, for sure…”She becomes more alert, listens head cocked to the ambient sounds, “We in Jump?”“Yes Ma, heading back to...

A-002: Spanial, Control

She says, “we’re in jump.  No need to sit watches.  We’re all tired, let’s all get some rest.”Over comms she says, “Gregar, you and Prrri can stand down.  Great work with the drives.  Get...

9-038: Maldemar 732, Control

“I doubt we’ll be that lucky, but it’s possible he’s gone back thinking no-one will think to look there.  “Another identity is something we should consider, yes.  Have you found anything in his journals about...

8-607: Cold Case

Kort responds carefully, “I think that our employer would be very unhappy if I let you open that case.”Jennie completes the jump calculations and the FTL drive spools up.  The image of the gold ship...

8-606: Spanial, Control

Shape is similar, the surface patterns and colours are different, suggesting different materials.Jennie nods toward Kort, “You’ll have to talk to him and Karmen about that.”She switches to internal comms, “Gregar, FTL drive status?”He...