Monthly Archive: November 2019


8-546: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

OK.  He will do the thing with the storage locker.In response to the storage widget question he droops one ear, then swishes his tail.“I xould not say, Xlia.  Shall I brrring thee thummm?” 

8-545: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

With the lid open (which may require retrieving floating Thurston³), he reaches in and fiddles with the back of the lock.“Dissabled.  Eassy with it openn.  Not sso eassy otherrwisse.”

8-544: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

Prrri’s ears give a single flick.He opens the container, reaches in and retrieves a single black cylinder about 10cm high from the collection of bits and pieces and shoves it in a pocket of his suit.“Ussefull,...

8-543: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

Karmen seems pale and a little internally focussed, but she seems to know where she is, what’s going on and can walk without bumping into things.Kort simply nods, and he and Karmen head for...