Monthly Archive: October 2019


8-472: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Not even recreation crate #4?Everything she can check seems to be as described.Can you please make three IQ rolls, one for each of the other members of Lia’s team.What now for Lia?

8-471: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Hmmm…. I’m guessing Lia will be torn between opening ‘recreation’ or ‘clothes’ first…RecreationCrate 1:  A pair of gym equipment modulesCrate 2:  An electronic entertainment system with video, lighting and projected sound modulesCrate 3:  A...

8-470: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

These crates are sealed metal containers with a combination of hinged or free lift lids.  The refrigerated ones are a bit differently designed and have doors that open at the front.  None of them seem secured...

7-344: Purpleton

He has a contact at the Household if he wants to try.Oliver is up to book #479.  Argyle/Lozenge-Sok is working at the Black Palace.Once Lozenge-Sok reached this point in his writings he seemed to become...

8-469: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

Well they’re all stacked up this end of the hold so she hasn’t far to go.Toward the Hangar end of the hold the crates (at least according to their shipping labels) are filled with...

7-343: Purpleton

Wohoo!  Rec time!  Now I can…work…OK.NextCycle he receives a message from Over Commander Bush.  Dicard, Undercrat Hulm-Nelson and Vizier Kahn-Serf are also on the list of recipients.The Over Commander has made enquiries into the Legion’s...

8-467: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

As she closes the hatch she has a glimpse of a Hangar Bay, the nose of a shuttlecraft of some description pointing toward her secure in its docking clamps and its aft section apparently...

8-466: Shipwreck Cargo Hold

As soon as she opens the door an alarm goes off in Lia’s suit:  Her radiation monitor starts clicking and an orange warning light flashes up.There’s radiation in that next area.Her suit monitor says...