Monthly Archive: October 2019


8-496: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

Eventually, Kort and Karmen get the safe into the cargo hold.Obviously a little frustrated from the experience Kort says, “Do we want to try and move a whole crate once, or just load up...

8-494: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

Prrri leaps down from the wall to stand beside her, his ears visibly flicking through his helmet.“Itt llookss like a misssile gunnnerry sstationn too mee.”He points at the damaged external mounting points. “Except thee misssile...

8-493: Shipwreck, Cargo Hold

He finishes opening the external doors not long after she’s done assessing the strange console.He seems pleased with himself, “Nnnoww, xwat shoulld we take?”He gestures at the crates with his tail.Over comms, Karmen and Kort...

7-356: Purpleton

Dicard“Yes, just be sure to use it only for Vizierate project work.  Anything we query we may have to justify if it trips an alarm or we get audited.”Public TerminalThe terminal cursor blinks silently...