Monthly Archive: July 2019


7-164: Purpleton – Taxi

AtmosphereIn response to Oliver’s atmosphere comment, Dicard says, “the productivity gains that become possible with a fully habitable biosphere should not be under-estimated.  Zargonia, Aden… Russell’s World,” he emphasises Oliver’s birth planet, “there’s a...

8-192: Merchant Freighter Spanial

FarewellKwint responds, “Lizard’s Balls, don’t you do anything I wouldn’t do.”Gregar says, “Take care Kwint.”To which he responds, “You too, big guy.”Gregar and Lia leave the shuttle and the Hangar – Prrri has already...

8-190: Shuttle Hio

Kwint nods, “take us back,” over comms he says, “Hio to Spanial, returning to Hangar.”Give me a roll to return to dock, it’s not that difficult.

8-189: Shuttle Hio

Note, in GURPS:You should only roll if there is a chance of meaningful failure or gainful success, specifically:A PC’s health, wealth, friends, reputation, or equipment are at risk.A PC stands to gain allies, information, new abilities, social...

8-188: Shuttle Hio

Lia hears the following over comms:KST:  “You guys ready?”PH:  Unintelligible.There is a brief exchange as they do a quick suit check.KST:  “Lia, we’re entering the hold now, can you open the outer door please?”KST: ...

8-187: Shuttle Hio

Kwint says into the comm, “Hio ready for undock,” to Lia, “my spacecraft.”Karmen says, “Hio, deploy the Comm Buoy.”Kwint acknowledges, and the hangar doors open to reveal the stars, blotted out by a dark...