When he reaches his room it’s BR05 on 211.379. The next meal will be at the BY break in 7 Tasks, which is when I’ve been assuming he’s been having Dinner on the Illuminator.He didn’t...
Prrri bats Lia with his tail, “XI xwill go overr the Xhopper thorroughlly beforre thee tesst.”He holds up the flexible hose coiled in his hand.“Starrting by making shurre thatt thee fuelling worrks rrreliably.”Lia is...
Erin glances at her slip of paper, “205.”Alan grunts.After taking his leave there’s a slightly awkward moment where Erin and Alan follow him through the door, wait for the lift Nanny has snagged to...
Prrri flicks his ears and Lia can see them hit the inside of his helmet. “Xit xis…” He moves his arms up and down, as if comparing weights in his hands. “…not...
The meeting breaks up unexpectedly quickly.Prrri heads over to the open access panel and begins uncoiling a hose.Gregar and Jennie leave through the airlock.What’s Lia doing?
Gregar is silent for a moment, glances at Prrri, and back at Jennie.“You’re the boss. Prrri will be ready to help Lia out as soon as you give the all clear. I’ll need to...
Jennie frowns, looking at the walls and ceiling, “there’s not a lot of room in here for errors. It would be safer to test it in open space.”The Hold is large, but she has...
As Cargo Officer, the others leave the hitting of various buttons to Lia.Gregar suggests she pressurise the hold and put the white lights on.A reminder, Lia knows that Spanial’s life support systems can’t maintain a space...
Normal Space, Zarg’s World systemJewelleryShe can mess around with the ring setting for a bit, but it really needs a good centrepiece that she doesn’t have. By the time the ship goes into jump,...