SportsballIn this match the teams are mixed gender.TravelIt’s ʄ100 each for a return trip to GravPort via Hybridyne. There are cheaper options, but all are slower. The trip will take about a Job.Happy to fly?
It’s RG03 on 211.372. Oliver has slightly less than two Jobs before he’s due at work.It’s a Task (or so, depending on length of shower, which is unrestricted here) when he’s changed and done.Mallory is still...
Kwint is enthusiastically watching the match, although with no emotional investment in either team he is mostly passing comments related to player skill like, “That was good Sportsing!”, “Nicely defended!”, and, “That was a No-Chak...
OK…maybe just give me a Control Roll to see how Curious he really is about his fellow Viziers.If he fails, make that Computer Operations roll to at least dig further in Mallory’s laptop, I’m...
He’s been working on it for a little while; Mallory seems to be deeply asleep.If he’s interested, he can get a list of large radio telescope facilities across the Dominion, which is classified information.If...
Kwint is definitely a Sportsball fan, and says he played in a local team when he was growing up. Lia and Kwint spend the time to their flight’s departure watching the local Sportsball competition, during...
“We could watch the Sportsball? Some of these local teams are under-rated. Apparently some of the locals here are really skilled when sportsing forward in defense.”
You might have to tell me what he’s interested in. He can just copy everything (although there is the whole ‘having classified documents he isn’t cleared for in his possession’ thing.)His ‘skim’ will tell...
Kwint says, “sure.”There’s the usual array of personal shops and services, restaurants, hotels and bars, parts suppliers for spacecraft, a branch of the Dominion Bank, a Legion Cast and various other Dominion Bureaucracy offices. ...